An Inappropriate Gift Leads to Inappropriate Play

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3 years ago
Did you... buy me a gift? But, honey, you know it's not my birthday. Now, you make me feel like the luckiest step-mom in the world! What exactly... is this... honey, did you buy me lingerie?? But that's... well, it's not quite appropriate. Did step-dad help you pick this out? No? Well, I'm sure he'll love it... all tight and tiny and black lace... what?? No, honey. I'm not going to try it on in front of you. That's not quite... no, no, don't get upset dear. I am very grateful, and I love it. I just... well, if you promise to turn around and not look, I'll just get changed quick. Don't peak! Okay, quickly look. What do you think? Oh, honey, thank you for the compliments, but I think I better change back into my regular clothes now. Oh, there's more? Honey, you shouldn't have spent so much on me! Let me pay for these things... oh, please don't be hurt. I think they're such nice gifts. Oh, all right, I'll try them all on for you but... it really is cold in here and... honey, you have an erection! That's so... that's just not... right. No, no, no, this isn't happening. I just... why don't you leave, sweetie, and I'm just going to take a little nap. I just don't know what to do, this is all my fault, and so inappropriate. No, please don't think I'm mad at you; you can sit beside me if you like. Yes, we're still best friends; you're still my special boy. I just... oh, honey, you should NOT touch me! I... ooooohhhhh...

