Bully Takes Over Your Mom's Body

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1 year ago
Did you really think it was over, you little beta fuck? I guess I finally beat you down enough for you to confront me- and I'll admit, it was unexpected. It caught me off guard, and for a moment in time it seemed like your life would be different. Like you'd just sail through on a high until graduation, go to a few parties, maybe even get laid a couple of times. But if you thought you could use your big nerd brain to humiliate me in some kind of Hollywood delusion, then your dorky ass has no idea what's about to hit him. I'm gonna fuck your mom, junior. And I'm gonna do it with her own two hands; I'm going to own her body. And if you think that's bad, you better grab a kleenex you pathetic simp, because mommy's pussy goes wherever I say. And if I want to mount that MILF fuckhole on every lowlife cock this town has to offer, you can be as sure as the virgin tip of your dick that I will.


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