Princess surrenders to save her brother

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1 year ago
Long story short: the traitor takes advantage of princess’s fertility and impregnates her. The princess doesn’t want but has to agree because the traitor keeps her brother in danger. The story: A Long time ago, in a distant land there was a Princess is betrayed and has to pay the ultimate price in order to free her loved ones. The antagonist had wanted her from dating as long as he could remember. Their time playing in the royal gardens and the change as her body began to show signs of its development. Too difficult to hide, it was also always understood to be off limits to one such as himself. But he had planned well. Waited for his opportunity to ripen. His time close to the royal family had shown him all their weaknesses. He knew where they were vulnerable. It was no use. No one had suspected anything and by the time the truth was known, your family had been betrayed. In exchange for her precious brother as well as the fair treatment of her beloved peoples, she had no choice but to yield to his physical demands. She had known of his "uncomfortable" attention for years as well but never did she think it would go this far. She has one chance and once chance only if she's to make it out of this revolting ordeal and that's with her true love , her personal champion who, till this point, had never let her down. She didn't dare think the consequences of his failure. Not now, knowing how fertile her body had become recently. Those questions pertaining to her personal hygiene. He was not just teasing her. He was going to take advantage of her at her body's most fertile, vulnerable moment. Surely he could not possibly also know about her champion's attempt at her rescue? Through more luck than skill, the plan was thwarted and the princess is shocked to find out only as the Traitor has thoroughly embarrassed the once proud highborne of such esteemed royal stock. It does not last fast. Nor does it end so abruptly either. He would enjoy this. Time and again, he would satisfy himself recalling all the times he had been "Theo'd". Not this time. This time his seed would find the finest of fertile lines to bear his offspring.


«Raja Yadav»
